Class Assignment

  extended by
      extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefInstr, PopInstr

public abstract class Assignment
extends Bytecode

Represents an assignment of an r-value to an l-value. Subclasses are pop and def. An Assignment can have a userScriptSourceAddress, for a user created instruction containing arbitrary values.

Field Summary
protected  int userScriptSourceAddress
Fields inherited from class
address, cuid, instrSet, nodeNum, xrefs
Constructor Summary
Assignment(int cuid, int address)
Method Summary
 int getUserScriptSource()
          Get the address of the instruction which the user script set as the source for values for this pop instruction.
 void setUserScriptSource(int sourceAddress)
          Set the address of the instruction which the user script sets as the source for values for this pop instruction.
Methods inherited from class
addSource, addWhereUsed, beforeWrite, calcValuesAgain, calcValueSets, compareTo, equals, fetchBytesFromDB, fetchInCu, generateDataForDB, getAddress, getCuID, getNodeNum, getOpcode, getSources, getValues, getValuesCalcLocal, getWhereUsed, getXrefs, hashCode, initData, isDataModified, isFromDB, setAddress, setCuID, setDataBytesFromDB, setDataModified, setFromDB, setInstructionSet, setNodeNum, setValuesFromByteStream, shouldLoadData, sourcesForXrefTarget, storeIfModified, toString, toStringFromComments, toStringFromData, toStringFromName, toStringFromSet, writeValuesToByteStream
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int userScriptSourceAddress

Constructor Detail


public Assignment()


public Assignment(int cuid,
                  int address)
Method Detail


public int getUserScriptSource()
Get the address of the instruction which the user script set as the source for values for this pop instruction.


public void setUserScriptSource(int sourceAddress)
Set the address of the instruction which the user script sets as the source for values for this pop instruction. The source instruction (obviously) has to be in this same CU (same cuid). Takes care of adding this instruction to the InstructionSet's recalc set.

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