Package org.prorefactor.refactor.source

This package is incomplete.


Interface Summary
TETNode The Token Expansion Tree is made up of Token objects and Expansion objects - those are the implementing clients.

Class Summary
Atom One or more characters in a source file, which could never be split between two tokens.
AtomRef A reference to an Atom.
CompileUnit Deprecated.  
ConditionalExpansion Represents an &IF..&THEN and its code, an &ELSEIF..&THEN and its code, or an &ELSEIF and its code.
Declaration Represents the declaration of an include argument or the declaration at an &GLOBAL-DEFINE or &SCOPED-DEFINE.
Expansion An expansion is just a bunch of Token objects.
IncludeExpansion Represents a curly reference to an include file.
MacroExpansion A curly reference that is not an include file expansion.
PreproScope Preprocessor scopes are stacked, temporary objects, pushed and popped off the stack by the pseudo processor.
PreproSymbol These objects only exist long enough to construct the Token tree.
Processor This is a "pseudo processor", inspired by the C refactoring work done by Ralph Johnson and Alejandra Garrido.
SourceFile Represents a source file with a File (get "canonical name" from that) and with a reference to the first Atom object for that file.
SourceFilePool We may work with two or more CompileUnit objects at the same time, and those may reference some of the same files.
Token A token is a handle to a bunch of source file IAtom objects, which contain the actual text/line/column.

Package org.prorefactor.refactor.source Description

This package is incomplete.

Provides classes for a model of the structures of 4GL source, which can be used for analysis and refactoring.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

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