Package org.prorefactor.treeparser

General use classes for any or all Tree Parsers.


Interface Summary
IJPTreeParser Common interface for our tree parsers.
Primative Field and Variable implement Primative because they both have a "primative" Progress data type (INTEGER, CHARACTER, etc).
Value Represents objects that have a value.

Class Summary
Block For keeping track of blocks, block attributes, and the things that are scoped within those blocks - especially buffer scopes.
BufferScope A record of a BufferSymbol scope to a Block.
Call Represents a Call to some 4GL procedure.
CQ Context qualifiers.
Dataset A Symbol defined with DEFINE DATASET.
Datasource A Symbol defined with DEFINE DATA-SOURCE.
DataType One static instance of DataType is created for each data type in the 4GL.
ErrorList A list of SemanticError objects found during a tree parse.
FieldBuffer FieldBuffer is the Symbol object linked to from the AST for schema, temp, and work table fields, and FieldBuffer provides the link to the Field object.
FieldContainer Frame and Browse widgets are FieldContainers.
FieldLookupResult For field lookups, we need to be able to pass back the BufferScope object as well as the Field object.
ParseUnit Provides parse unit information, such as the symbol table and a reference to the AST.
Query A Symbol defined with DEFINE QUERY.
Routine Represents the definition of a Routine.
RunHandle Represents a procedure handle value, used in a run statement of the form: run in .
SemanticRecord Represents a record used in semantic processing.
Stream A Symbol defined with DEFINE STREAM or any other syntax which implicitly define a stream.
Symbol Base class for any type of symbol which needs to be kept track of when parsing a 4gl compile unit's AST.
SymbolFactory Create a Symbol of the appropriate subclass.
SymbolScope For keeping track of PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, and trigger scopes within a 4gl compile unit.
SymbolScopeRoot A ScopeRoot object is created for each compile unit, and it represents the program (topmost) scope.
SymbolScopeSuper Contains skeleton symbols for purposes of inheritance.
TableBuffer A TableBuffer is a Symbol which provides a link from the syntax tree to a Table object.
TreeParserWrapper This class just makes it easier to interface with an Antlr generated tree parser.
Variable A Symbol defined with DEFINE VARIABLE or any of the other various syntaxes which implicitly define a variable.
Widget A Symbol defined with DEFINE or any of the other various syntaxes which implicitly define a widget.

Error Summary
SemanticError Represents a semantic error found in 4GL code while analysing it.

Package org.prorefactor.treeparser Description

General use classes for any or all Tree Parsers.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

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