Uses of Class

Packages that use JPNode Programmer's API to Callgraph.   
org.prorefactor.core General purpose Proparse support functions and subroutines. 
org.prorefactor.core.unittest Unit test classes for all Joanju packages. 
org.prorefactor.nodetypes Subtypes of org.prorefactor.core.JPNode, and related classes. 
org.prorefactor.refactor.action Provides the Refactoring Actions. 
org.prorefactor.refactor.tfnames Table and field names lint and refactoring. 
org.prorefactor.treeparser General use classes for any or all Tree Parsers. 
org.prorefactor.treeparser01 This is the "primary" tree parser, which provides basic services such as scope and name resolution. 

Uses of JPNode in

Methods in with parameters of type JPNode
 AddSuperScriptReturn AddSuperScriptI.go(JPNode node)
 CallScriptReturn CallScriptI.go(JPNode node)

Uses of JPNode in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type JPNode
 void BuiltinfuncInstr.substring(Bytecode stringSource, java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> funcArgs)
          Set the arguments for the SUBSTRING function.

Uses of JPNode in

Methods in with parameters of type JPNode
static boolean Endpoint.parameterIsCompiled(JPNode directionNode)
          Determine if a call arg or a formal arg is to be compiled down to bytecode.

Uses of JPNode in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JPNode
static java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> CgTreeUtil.funcArgs(JPNode funcNameNode)

Methods in with parameters of type JPNode
static java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> CgTreeUtil.funcArgs(JPNode funcNameNode)

Uses of JPNode in com.joanju.cgs

Methods in com.joanju.cgs that return JPNode
 JPNode[] AnalystParseUnit.getNodeArray()
          Gets the local copy of TreeUtils.nodeArray(getTopNode()).

Uses of JPNode in com.joanju.proparse

Methods in com.joanju.proparse that return JPNode
static JPNode NodeFactory.createByIndex(int index)
          Used for restoring serialized JPNode objects.
 JPNode DoParse.getTopNode()

Methods in com.joanju.proparse with parameters of type JPNode
protected  void DoParse.backLinkAndNodeNum(JPNode r)
          Set parent and prevSibling links, as well as nodeNum.

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.core

Methods in org.prorefactor.core that return JPNode
 JPNode CodeSelect.contract()
          Move cursor down tree towards initial position.
 JPNode CodeSelect.expand()
          Move cursor up tree to parent Returns null if already at highest parent node.
 JPNode JPNode.findDirectChild(int nodeType)
          Find the first direct child with a given node type.
static JPNode JPNav.findFieldRefIdNode(JPNode refNode)
 JPNode JPNode.firstChild()
 JPNode JPNode.firstNaturalChild()
          First Natural Child is found by repeating firstChild() until a natural node is found.
static JPNode JPNode.getLastDescendant(JPNode top)
          Find the last child of the last child of the...
 JPNode PositionIndex.getNodeFrom(int file, int line, int col)
          Get the node at a position, or the next node immediately after the position.
 JPNode JPNode.getOriginal()
          If this AST was constructed from another, then get the original.
 JPNode JPNode.getStatement()
          Return self if statehead, otherwise returns enclosing statehead.
 JPNode JPNode.lastChild()
          Return the last immediate child (no grandchildren).
 JPNode JPNode.lastDescendant()
 JPNode JPNode.nextNode()
          First child if there is one, otherwise next sibling.
 JPNode JPNode.nextSibling()
static JPNode[] TreeUtils.nodeArray(JPNode top)
          Get an array of nodes, such that the array index matches the node number.
 JPNode JPNode.parent()
 JPNode JPNode.prevNode()
          Previous sibling if there is one, otherwise parent.

Methods in org.prorefactor.core that return types with arguments of type JPNode
static java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> TreeUtils.flatList(JPNode top)
          Get a flat list of nodes, with operator nodes moved inline.
 java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> JPNode.getDirectChildren()
          Get an ArrayList of the direct children of this node.
 java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> JPNode.query(int findType)
          Get an array of all descendant nodes (including this node) of a given type.

Methods in org.prorefactor.core with parameters of type JPNode
 void PositionIndex.addNode(JPNode node)
static int[] CodeSelect.branchEndPos(JPNode node)
          Given the top node in a branch, find the file/line/column of the end of the last character of the last node in the branch.
 int CommentFinder.examineAfter(JPNode node)
          Find comments which come after the last descendant of the node, which match, and are not separated from that last sibling by any newline characters.
 int CommentFinder.examineBefore(JPNode node)
          Find comments before the node which match and are not separated from the node by any blank lines.
 int CommentFinder.examineInner(JPNode node)
          Find comments before the node which match.
static void JPNode.finalizeTrailingHidden(JPNode root)
static JPNode JPNav.findFieldRefIdNode(JPNode refNode)
 ProToken JPUtil.findFirstHiddenAfterLastDescendant(JPNode node)
          Find the first hidden token after the current node's last descendant.
static java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> TreeUtils.flatList(JPNode top)
          Get a flat list of nodes, with operator nodes moved inline.
static java.lang.String TreeUtils.fullPreproText(JPNode top)
          Get the full, preprocessed text from a node.
protected  java.lang.String JPNodeLister.generateLineText(JPNode node)
          This returns the line's text including the text indent, but not including the newline.
static JPNode JPNode.getLastDescendant(JPNode top)
          Find the last child of the last child of the...
static JPNode[] TreeUtils.nodeArray(JPNode top)
          Get an array of nodes, such that the array index matches the node number.
 int node)
          Return the number of COMMENT tokens which meet the search criteria
 void JPNode.setFirstChild(JPNode child)
 void JPNode.setNextSibling(JPNode sibling)
 void JPNode.setParent(JPNode parent)
 void JPNode.setPrevSibling(JPNode n)

Constructors in org.prorefactor.core with parameters of type JPNode
JPNode(int type, JPNode original)
          If this AST is constructed from another, then create with link to the original.
JPNodeLister(JPNode topNode, java.lang.String outfilename, TokenTypesI tokenTypes)

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.core.unittest

Methods in org.prorefactor.core.unittest with parameters of type JPNode
protected  java.lang.String TP01FramesTreeLister.generateLineText(JPNode node)

Constructors in org.prorefactor.core.unittest with parameters of type JPNode
TP01FramesTreeLister(JPNode topNode, java.lang.String outfilename, TokenTypesI typesReader)

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.nodetypes

Subclasses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.nodetypes
 class BlockNode
 class FieldRefNode
 class ProgramRootNode
 class ProparseDirectiveNode
 class RecordNameNode

Methods in org.prorefactor.nodetypes that return JPNode
 JPNode FieldRefNode.getIdNode()
          We very often need to reference the ID node for a Field_ref node.

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.refactor.action

Constructors in org.prorefactor.refactor.action with parameters of type JPNode
RenameSchema.RenameTarget(JPNode node, java.lang.String newName)

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.refactor.tfnames

Methods in org.prorefactor.refactor.tfnames with parameters of type JPNode
protected  void NamesLint.examineNode(JPNode node)

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.reports

Methods in org.prorefactor.reports with parameters of type JPNode
protected  void HowUsed.print3(JPNode node)
protected  void HowUsed.print4(JPNode node, int type)

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.treeparser

Fields in org.prorefactor.treeparser declared as JPNode
protected  JPNode SemanticRecord.node

Methods in org.prorefactor.treeparser that return JPNode
 JPNode Symbol.getAsNode()
 JPNode SymbolI.getAsNode()
          If this was defined AS something, then we have an AS node
 JPNode Symbol.getDefineNode()
 JPNode SymbolI.getDefineNode()
          If this symbol was defined directly by a DEFINE syntax, then this returns the DEFINE node, otherwise null.
 JPNode Parameter.getDirectionNode()
 JPNode Symbol.getIndirectDefineIdNode()
 JPNode SymbolI.getIndirectDefineIdNode()
          If this symbol was defined with syntax other than a direct DEFINE, then this returns the ID node, otherwise null.
 JPNode Symbol.getLikeNode()
 JPNode SymbolI.getLikeNode()
          If this was defined LIKE something, then we have a LIKE node
 JPNode Block.getNode()
          Get the node for this block.
 JPNode Routine.getReturnDatatypeNode()
          Null for PROCEDURE, node of the datatype for FUNCTION or METHOD.

Methods in org.prorefactor.treeparser that return types with arguments of type JPNode
 java.util.ArrayList<JPNode> FieldContainer.getStatementList()
          Get the list of nodes for the statements which operate on this FieldContainer.

Methods in org.prorefactor.treeparser with parameters of type JPNode
 void FieldContainer.addStatement(JPNode node)
          Add a statement node to the list of statements which operate on this FieldContainer.
static void TreeParserWrapper.run2(IJPTreeParser tp, JPNode theAST)
          Run a tree parser for a given JPNode.
 void Symbol.setAsNode(JPNode asNode)
 void SymbolI.setAsNode(JPNode asNode)
 void Symbol.setDefOrIdNode(JPNode node)
 void SymbolI.setDefOrIdNode(JPNode node)
          We store the DEFINE|FUNCTION|METHOD|PROCEDURE node if available and sensible.
 void Parameter.setDirectionNode(JPNode directionNode)
          Set by TreeParser01.
 void Symbol.setLikeNode(JPNode likeNode)
 void SymbolI.setLikeNode(JPNode likeNode)
 void Call.setPersistentHandleNode(JPNode node)
 void Routine.setReturnDatatypeNode(JPNode n)
          Set by TreeParser01 for functions and methods.
 void Call.setRunHandleNode(JPNode node)
 void ParseUnit.setTopNode(JPNode topNode)
          Set the syntax tree top (Program_root) node.

Constructors in org.prorefactor.treeparser with parameters of type JPNode
Block(Block parent, JPNode node)
          For constructing nested blocks
Block(SymbolScope symbolScope, JPNode node)
          For constructing a root (method root or program root) block.
Call(JPNode node)
Expression(JPNode node)
SemanticError(java.lang.String message, JPNode node)
          Create a record of an error detected in 4GL source code under analysis.
SemanticRecord(JPNode node)
Symbol(int allRefsCount, JPNode asNode, JPNode defNode, JPNode likeNode, java.lang.String name, int numReads, int numWrites, SymbolScope scope)

Uses of JPNode in org.prorefactor.treeparser01

Methods in org.prorefactor.treeparser01 with parameters of type JPNode
 java.util.ArrayList<FieldBuffer> FrameStack.calculateFormItemTableFields(JPNode formItemNode)
          For a Form_item node which is for a whole table reference, get a list of the FieldBuffers that would be added to the frame, respecting any EXCEPT fields list.
protected  void TP01Support.defineTable(JPNode defNode, JPNode idNode, int storeType)

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